Internal Audit
Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve operations of Marion County government as a service to management and elected officials. External entities are also reviewed to determine whether revenues have been properly remitted to the County. The fundamental objective of internal auditing is to assist all members of management to discharge their responsibilities. Furnishing management with analyses, appraisals and recommendations concerning the activities reviewed meets this objective.
The Internal Auditor performs those functions specific to the role of the Clerk of Court and Comptroller as auditor for the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). The Internal Auditor has the authority and responsibility to conduct audits and reviews of all agencies funded by the BCC and departments under the County Administrator and to issue reports thereon. The Internal Auditor is organizationally independent and has no direct responsibility for, or authority over, any BCC function, activity, or program subject to audit and review.
The mission of the Internal Auditor is to serve the citizens and taxpayers of Marion County through the performance of independent, objective reviews and evaluations of all relevant activities under the BCC. In performing these duties, the Internal Auditor will endeavor to assist BCC administrators and department managers in achieving the best utilization and administration of taxpayer resources. These efforts are intended to improve County operations and to help ensure that the County is fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities to its citizens and taxpayers.