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Gregory C. Harrell, Clerk of Court and Comptroller of Marion County, Florida
Marion County Clerk of Court and Comptroller
How Do I


Guardianships are established for persons for various reasons; such as an adult who lacks the ability to care for him/herself in some aspect, a minor who has received an inheritance, or a minor who has received a settlement for a personal injury claim. These certainly are not the only reasons that guardianships are established, but the majority of guardianships in Marion County have arisen for needs such as these.

A function of the Guardianship division of the Marion County Clerk’s Office is to audit and monitor the guardianship files active in Marion County. We will do our very best to assist the public in any way that we can. However, please be advised that our capacity does not permit us to give out legal advice or guidance in completing the various guardianship reports that are required.

As some guardianships require the filing of a Verified Inventory of Guardian of the Property or an Annual Accounting of the Guardian of the Property, our office charges an audit fee for these reports. Please see the “Fees and Services Charges” page for a breakdown of the audit fees.

Injunction for Protection: Vulnerable Adult Brochure

Orden de Proteccion: Adulto Vulnerable Brochure

Guardianship Forms

To access guardianship forms contained within the Florida Probate Rules, please click the link above and on the resulting website, click “Chapter 5 – Probate Rules.” The forms begin at Rule 5.901 as follows:

Rule 5.901: Form for Petition to Determine Incapacity
Rule 5.902: Form for Petition and Order of Guardian
Rule 5.903: Letters of Guardianship
Rule 5.904: Forms for Initial and Annual Guardianship Plans
Rule 5.905: Form for Petition; Notice; and Order for Appointment of Guardian Advocate of the Person
Rule 5.906: Letters of Guardian Advocacy
Rule 5.910: Inventory
Rule 5.920: Forms Related to Injunction for Protection Against Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult

Please note that the information and links above are for reference only. They are not intended to serve as legal advice and do not substitute for competent legal counsel or direct legal research.